ASLP-ICSDSLHA supports the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact (ASLP-IC), which facilitates interstate practice for audiologists and speech-language pathologists. More information about the compact is available at:ASLP-IC Website Introduction to ASLP-IC video Information Meetings about ASLP-IC The South Dakota Speech-Language-Hearing Association (SDSLHA), in collaboration with the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), the American Academy of Audiology (AAA), and the Council of State Governments, sponsored 2 informational meetings for SLPs, audiologists, and students to learn about the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact (ASLP-IC). Representatives from all of the organizations were available to provide information about the interstate compact and answer questions from attendees. Below are the recordings from both of the meetings.