The History of South Dakota Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Special thanks to Dr. Sylvester Clifford, Jim Walters, Dr. Robert Litke, Judy Flanagin, Margaret King, Ruth Samuelson, Sally Coddington Dolan and Dr. Dean Lockwood for their recollections of years gone by.
Organization of SDSHA The organizational meeting of the South Dakota Speech-Language-Hearing Association was held in Pierre, SD in 1958. Marvin Knittel, who was working in the Aberdeen Public Schools with Margaret King, was elected President but there was not a formal convention held. Margaret noted there were fewer than ten people attending and that that may have represented all who worked in the state at that time. The others attending were Ethel Bridgeford, Rapid City; Mr. and Mrs. Flint, Augustana College; Mr. DeLaubenfels, University of South Dakota; Sally Coddington (Dolan) Crippled Children's Hospital and School; and Gaylen Dragert, Ph.D. from South Dakota State College. Dr. Dragert was in a wheelchair and was helped by graduate assistants Bob Litke and Adrian Parmeter.
Dr. Litke remembers that Ethel was the motivating force to get the group organized. Ethel has been a speech pathologist in Portland, Oregon and had completed a semester toward her Masters Degree when the director of the South Dakota State Department of Health and asked of her to start a speech and hearing program under the Division of Crippled Children. She served Pennington, Meade and Lawrence counties and the Rapid City Schools. Ethel used the development of this program for her thesis at the University of Iowa and received her Masters Degree in 1946 and then returned to South Dakota.
Another "quieter" force for speech therapy in South Dakota was Lily Thomsland who worked in Sioux Falls. She believed in the Moto-Kinesthetic method, which was a manual manipulation of articulators. Lily and Sally Coddington (Dolan) were the only speech therapists in Sioux Falls before 1959.
Mary Twitchell and Jim Walters followed Marv Knittel and Margaret King in the Aberdeen Schools. Margaret moved to Rapid City in 1961 and worked a year and a half until her first child arrived. Some of the speech therapists who worked there were Ethel Bridgeford, Mary Twitchell, Nancy Stevens, Jane Case, Sharon Lee and Ruth Samuelson. Margaret returned to work in 1979.
Dr. Sylvester Clifford arrived at the University of South Dakota during the summer of 1961. (He retired in 1994.) His predecessors were James Cavanaugh and James McDearmon who had initiated the speech therapy/audiology program. Dr. Harold Jordan, Chair of the Speech Department at the University of South Dakota, also was instrumental in the programs inception. During those years students earned a double major; one in speech therapy and on in speech/drama/debate.
Dr. Clifford remembers attending a business meeting in Pierre during the winter of 1961-62 where several people including Ethel Bridgeford, Jim Walter, Mary Twitchell, Keith Newcomb (CCHS) and Margaret King were still trying to shape/word a constitution and get some recognition from the State Department of Education. In 1961, there were two ASHA certified SLPs; Ethel Bridgeford and Sylvester Clifford.
By 1965, there were 25 original active members and 8 original associate members. Jim Walters was President when South Dakota Speech-Language-Hearing Association Third Annual convention was held at the Crippled Children's Hospital and School in Sioux Falls. Speakers include Ethel Bridgeford on "Therapy for Tongue Thrust"; John B. Gregg, M.D. "Techniques of Stapesdoplasty Surgery"; and William M. Shearer, Ph.D. "Recent Research in Stuttering Behavior; (A) Middle Ear Activity (B) Self-Recovery.
David Larsen presented at the 1966 convention in Yankton, SD on "Pioneers in Statewide Speech and Hearing Conservation". Ray Hull was the lone person doing statewide hearing testing, out of his car, the first year. Then in succeeding years, David Larsen, Charlie Anderson and Mike Spicer headed up the Mobile Hearing Unit, which was a hearing booth inside a truck. They were supported and encouraged partially by the March of Dimes.
Original Active Members: Pat Adam*, Charles Anderson, Susan Armstrong*, Ethel Bridgeford* Jean Britton*, Maribeth Chase*, Sylvester Clifford*, Betty Culligan*, Arlene Howard, Raymond Hull*, Margaret King*, DeAnna Lacina, Sharon Lee, Robert Litke*, Natalie Nelson, Keith Newcomb, Kay Rubendall, Sister Doris Oberembt, Verlyn Swee*, Richard Terry*, Joan Theilman*, Lily Tiomsland*, Billie Jo Tupper*, James E. Walters*, Evelyn Woods
Original Associate Members: Ruth Duncan (Samuelson), Jeannette Higbe, Julie Mickelson (Anderson), Jennie Wanhal, Keathy Larson (Amundson), Roger Wahl*, Camille Peterson, Karen Kay Knutson (Ferris) (*also members of the American Speech and Hearing Association according to the 1965 ASHA Directory.)
David Larsen presented at the 1966 convention in Yankton, South Dakota. There have been Bachelor Degree programs in Communication Disorder at Northern State College in Aberdeen, South Dakota State College in Brooking, Augustana College in Sioux Falls, and University of South Dakota in Vermillion. Presently, USD is the only location with a Bachelors Degree and Masters Degree program in the state. Dr. Dean Lockwood is the Chair of the Department and has been at USD since 1970.
There have been bachelor’s degree programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders at Northern State University in Aberdeen, South Dakota State University in Brookings, Augustana University in Sioux Falls, and the University of South Dakota in Vermillion. USD also houses a master’s degree program in Speech-Language Pathology and a doctor of Audiology program. In 2010, Mitchell Technical College in Mitchell, SD added an associate’s degree program in Speech-Language Pathology Assistant.
Presidents of the Association and Convention/Meeting Site
1973-1974 Dean Lockwood, Rapid City |
2000-2001 Bob Froke, Sioux Falls |
1974-1975 Lois Moore, Aberdeen |
2001-2002 Rhonda Nitschelm, Sioux Falls |
1975-1976 Viola Willis, Mitchell |
2002-2003 Kari Diamond, Rapid City |
1976-1977 Alice Swallum, Aberdeen |
2003-2004 Jennifer Schultz, Sioux Falls |
1977-1978 Marilyn Condon, Spearfish |
2004-2005 Shirley Hauge, Sioux Falls |
1978-1979 Fred Romkema, Pierre |
2005-2006 Anne Crosswait-Degen, Sioux Falls |
1979-1980 Keith Erickson, Aberdeen |
2006-2007 Julie Carl, Sioux Falls |
1980-1981 Kay Schallenkamp, Vermillion |
2006-2007 Linda Ingerson, Sioux Falls |
1981-1982 Bob Litke, Aberdeen |
2007-2008 Kris Kelley, Sioux Falls |
1982-1983 Joan Fliehs, Rapid City |
2008-2009 Shelly Grinde, Sioux Falls |
1983-1984 Judy Flanagin, Rapid City |
2009-2010 Becky Cermak, Sioux Falls |
1984-1985 Richard Hoeve |
2010-2011 Julie Carl, Sioux Falls |
1985-1986 Robert Anderson |
2011-2012 Becky Cermak & Julie Carl, Sioux Falls |
1986-1987 Carol Woltzen, Sioux Falls |
2012-2013 Jessica Messersmith, Sioux Falls |
1987-1988 Sue Brockeyeldt, Rapid City |
2013-2014 Elizabeth Hanson, Sioux Falls |
1988-1989 Sure Brockeyeldt, Aberdeen |
2014-2015 Laura Barbara, Rapid City |
1989-1990 Sylvester Clifford, Sioux Falls |
2015-2016 Kyle Brower, Sioux Falls |
1990-1991 Sylvester Clifford, Sioux Falls |
2016-2017 Rachel Meester, Sioux Falls |
1991-1992 Perry Hanayan, Rapid City |
2017-2018 Julie Holiday, Sioux Falls |
1992-1993 Perry Hanavan, Sioux Falls |
2018-2019 Londa DeRouchey, Spearfish |
1993-1994 Sally Dolan, Pierre |
2019-2020 Jennifer Schultz, Postponed |
1994-1995 Sally Dolan, Sioux Falls |
2020-2021 Jennifer Schultz, Virtual Convention |
1995-1996 Jane Leite, Rapid City |
2021-2022 Shelly Grinde, Deadwood |
1996-1997 Jane Leite, Sioux Falls |
2022-2023 Liz DeVelder, Sioux Falls |
1997-1998 Sharon Hoelscher, Rapid City |
1998-1999 Sharon Hoelscher, Sioux Falls |
1999-2000 Bob Froke, Rapid City |
SDSLHA Honors and Awards
Life Members: |
Honors of the Association: |
Paula Bingham |
Lily Tjomsland & Sylvester Clifford, 1984 |
Pam Bonenberger |
Ethel Bridgeford, 1987 |
Ethel Bridgeford |
Robert Anderson, 1991 |
Sylvester Clifford |
Aneita Wilcox, 1992 |
Anne Crosswait-Degen |
Karen Ferris, 1992 |
Sally Dolan |
Elanor Allard, 1993 |
Candace Fuller |
Ruth Samuelson,1996 |
Gordon Holloway |
Joyce M. Lampson,1998 |
Katherine Howe |
Ron Balthazor, 2000 |
Solveig Korte |
Mary Friehe, 2001 |
Alice Swallum |
Teri Bellis, 2002 |
Penny Walker |
Dean Lockwood, 2003 |
Jane Clem, 2004 |
Candice Lee, 2005 |
Marni Johnson, 2011 |
Becky Cermak, Jennifer Schultz, Brenda Nedved & Mandy Williams, 2012 |
Jessica Messersmith, 2014 |
Kyle Brouwer, 2015 |
Elizabeth Hanson, 2016 |
Solveig Sperati Korte, 2017 |
Jennifer Schultz, 2018 |
Anne Crosswait-Degen, 2019 |
Jennifer Schultz, 2021 |
Shirley Hauge, 2022 |
Deb Flynn, 2023 |
Louis M. DiCarlo Award for Recent Clinical Achievement Nominee: |
Frank R. Kleffner Lifetime Clinical Career Award Nominee:
Ethel Bridgeford, 1983 |
Ruth Samuelson, 1990 |
Sylvester Clifford,1985 |
Jerome Alpiner, 1993 |
Robert E. Litke, 1987 |
Sheela Stuart, 1988 |
David Downs, 2002 |
Linda Tyler, 2004 |
Brittany Schmidt, 2005 |
Deb Flynn, 2019 |
Jennifer Schultz & Brittany Schmidt, 2020 |
Jane Heinemeyer, 2021 |
Shelly Grinde, 2022 |
Terri Jensen, 2023 |
Dorothy Dreyer Award for Volunteerism Nominee: |
ASHA Fellows: |
Ruth Samuelson, 2003 |
Sylvester Clifford, 1983 |
Julia Jones, 2004 |
Dean Lockwood, 1985 |
Jennifer Schultz, 2005 |
Ethel Bridgeford, 1987 |
Penny Walker, 2006 |
Ruth Samuelson, 2001 |
Shelly Grinde, 2011 |
Teri Bellis, 2007 |
Shirley Hauge & Julie Holiday, 2013 |
Elizabeth DeVelder, 2014 |
Kari Keating, 2015 |
Julie Mairose, Rebecca Harvey & Laura Barbara 2016 |
Shirley Hauge, 2019 |
Stephanie Ulmer, 2020 |
Candace Zweifel, 2021 |
Rebecca Harvey, 2022 |
Danci Hoff, 2023 |
Distinguished Service Award: |
Honorary Members: |
John Gregg, Jr., 1990 |
John Gregg, Jr. |
Robert Farrell, 1991 |
Harold Jordan (deceased) |
Sylvia Henkin, 1992 |
Easter Seals, 1993 |
Alan Kelts, 1995-1996 |
Scottish Rite Clinic in the Hills, Rapid City, 1999 |
Greg DeSautel, 2000 |
Sioux Empire United Way, 2001 |
Dale Gunderson, 2002 |
Noon Sertoma Club of Sioux Falls, 2003 |
VanDeMark Family, 2004 |
Vicki Mack - SPED Director Watertown School District, 2007 |
Bridget Stone & Bonnie Christensen (Rapid City Birth to Three), 2005 |
Dr. Susan Randall - SD Voices for Children, 2010 |
Sen. Jen Hunhoff & Rep. Fred Romkema, 2012 |
Greg Von Wald, 2013 |
Samra Haifa, 2016 |
Scottish Rite Foundation of South Dakota, 2019 |
Rebecca Potrament, 2020 |
South Dakota School for the Deaf, 2021 |
Monument Health, 2022 |
Anderson-Smith Therapy Institute, 2023 |
New Program Award: |
Outstanding Service: |
Kristeen Highland, 1991 |
Sue Brockevelt, 1993 |
Jerome Alpiner, 1993 |
Margaret King, 1995 |
Outstanding South Dakota Clinician: |
Kay Rubendall, 1991 |
Bonnie Carr, 1993 |
Kristi Olson, 1995 |
Nicole Halls, 1999 |
Colleen Gullickson, 2000 |
Rolland J. Van Hattum Award Contribution in the Schools Nominee: |
SDSLHA Supporter: |
Beth Peschong, 2019 |
John Sears, 1991 |
Rebecca Harvey & Theresa Gibbens, 2020 |
Terri Jensen, 2021 |
Laura Scholten, 2022 |
Heather Erlenbusch, 2023 |
To contribute additional SDSLHA History to this page, email [email protected].