Volunteer with South Dakota Speech-Language-Hearing Association

SDSLHA is a member-driven, member-run association. Our impact and success is directly dependent on the membership, input, and participation of speech and hearing professionals who have an interest improving the professions and the lives of the individuals we serve in South Dakota. All of our members bring insight, talent, and skills to our association. Your volunteer participation in SDSLHA can range from joining the association to serving on the Executive Council. The important part is that you are part of SDSLHA!
What’s in it for you? Your volunteer efforts build our association as you build your professional network of colleagues in SD and beyond, challenge yourself to learn and grow as a professional, and add to your list of accomplishments.
The current volunteer positions are available. Contact us at [email protected] to volunteer:
ASHA Networks
ASHA StAMP Representative
SDSLHA Regional Representatives
Open Regions: Northwest, Northcentral, Northeast, and Sioux Falls regions
- Duties: 1) plan 1 social event in your region and work with Membership chairperson and Editor to promote event, 2) contribute 1 regional member spotlight to the SDSLHA newsletter annually, 3) assist SDSLHA EC to inform professionals in your region about issues and events.
- Estimated Time Commitment: 5 – 10 hours/year (duties may be shared with another member)
SDSLHA Committees
2025 SDSLHA Convention Planning Committee member
- Duties: Meet via teleconference with chairperson to develop topics and identify speakers for convention
- Estimated Time Commitment: 5 – 10 hours/year
Awards Committee member
- Duties: 1) encourage members to submit nominations, 2) meet with chairperson via teleconference to review nominations and select award recipients
- Estimated Time Commitment: 5 hours/year
Code of Ethics Committee member
- Duties: 1) work with chairperson to review any written ethics complaints received regarding SDSLHA members and resolve those complaints, 2) suggest topics, speakers, and events to educate members on ethics.
- Estimated Time Commitment: 5 hours/year
Committee on Nominations & Elections member
- Work with chairperson to encourage nominations to open offices and to prepare election ballot to present to the membership at the annual meeting.
- Estimated Time Commitment: 3 hours/year
Legislative Committee member
- Duties: 1) work with chairperson to identify legislative acts of importance to audiology and speech-language pathology professions during the SD legislative session, 2) assist committee chairperson to develop grassroots advocacy for legislative priorities by encouraging and assisting members to contact legislators and colleagues regarding issues.
- Estimated Time Commitment: 10 – 15 hours/year primarily October – February
Scholarship Committee member
- Duties: 1) work with chairperson to review scholarship applications and select recipients, 2) assist committee chairperson to acknowledge scholarship recipients at annual convention
- Estimated Time Commitment: 3 – 5 hours/year
SDSLHA Convention

The Annual SDSLHA Convention will be held October 16-17, 2025 at the Lodge in Deadwood, Deadwood, SD. As an association member, there are a variety of ways you can participate. Contact us at [email protected] to learn more about planning, attending, volunteering, or presenting at convention.